Phase One
I experienced trauma. I desire God to be a part of my healing.
Lisa Becerra and I are excited to start this new ministry in the fall called Phasing Out of Trauma. This is a support-recovery group for women who have had trauma. Weekly meetings will provide a safe place for women to share, learn, and encourage one another.
Phasing Out of Trauma consists of eighteen phases of healing of trauma. We chose phases since healing from trauma is not linear and often a life-long process. Each Phase will contain a mini-explanation, practices and activities. In addition, we will provide resources of books, videos, and referral sources.
We have a fabulous team. A variety of ages, races, and religious traditions, we women unite together as survivors. Our desire is to accompany other survivors on their healing journey, to provide information and exercises that allow God’s healing.
Today, I will share our prayer with you. Reflection questions are there to enrich the experience. May you know how much God sees you.
Our Prayer
El Roi, God who sees me, loves me, and knows me
Grant me the courage
to face the effects of my trauma
The wisdom to their meaning
The strength to enter the healing process,
And to become the woman I was
created to be.
Choose one or more of the questions below to reflect on each time you pray their prayer. Journal your responses.
How did you experience God’s love today?
What courage do you need today?
What wisdom do you need today?
What strength do you need today?
Who did God create you to be?
How does this prayer speak to your heart today?
