December is a time for hope.
I hope we come together as a country and for a brighter future.
There is so much arguing and hatred between people on opposite political sides. I have witnessed violent words between people who don’t even know each other.
Why can’t family and friends be like Sandy and Kim?
My sister, Sandy, was a Democrat who hated Trump. She passed a month ago. After three failed back surgeries and constant pain, her body could not manage anymore. She died peacefully with her beloved husband by her side.
Kim is their best friend. He is a retired police officer and a Republican who loves Trump. They have known each other for years. Sandy would tell me how they would banter back and forth. Kim would try to get her to wear a Trump pin on her shirt and a Make America Great Again red hat on her head.
“Get that F@#*________ away from me!” She joked. “I don’t want anything to do with Trumpet!”
Back and forth they would go. There were serious conversations, too, where they would listen to one another and try to understand why they chose a side.
They made a vow to NEVER let their political opinions interfere with their friendship.
Sadly, a 45 year friendship ended for me over being on different political sides. I reminded her that we have always, “agreed to disagree.” I am grateful for who she is and what she offers in the friendship, and I chose to let go of our differences. But she could not.
I have grieved over the loss of the friendship. I appreciate the fond memories, especially during our younger days. Let it go, I pray for God’s best for her. I am still grieving over the loss of my sister, holding both joy and sadness. Although we were not close, we did have a good relationship. We were different politically and spiritually, and yet we did not let it affect us.
I am grateful for what our relationship was and let go of what it was not.
Kim was there while my sister lay dying on Hospice. He was a tremendous support to my brother-in-law. They truly loved each other. Their friendship deeply touched me—a rare find in life.
And neither of them is Christian.
Then why can’t we?